In our own Laboratory, Government Organization are testing the products which we offer them for their inspection and Certificate of Tests are issued by them after testing.
We have our own full fledge Testing Laboratory to test the products as per Indian Standards IS specification as well as International Standards like BIS, JIS, DIN, ASTM specifications. The Testing facilities & Equipments are as under :
Compressibility recovering Tester and Tensile Strength Tester of M/s. BLUE STAR, GERMANY.
Oil Absorption Testing Facility
Water Absorption Testing Facility
Acid Resistance Testing Facility
Flexibility after Accelerated Ageing Facility
Melting point Apparatus
Boiling point Apparatus
Distillation Unit
Electronic Weighing Balances
Constant Temperature Oven
Furnace up to 1200 Degree Celsius
Bursting Strength Tester
Routine Laboratory Testing facility like FILTERATION, GRAVIMATRIC etc.
Compressibility Recovery Instrument up t o 70 Kg. load
Tensile Strength Tester up to 50 Kg. load
Dead Weight micrometer / simple micrometer/vermier Caliper
Shore Hardness
Fibre Tester
Single Thread Tester
The total land area of our factory is 27000 Sq. Meter of which 12000 Sq. Meter is used for Plant & Machinery and remaining area is being used for Solvent storage/Fuel storage/ Boilers/ Chilling Plant/ Cooling tower etc.
We have our own full fledged printing facilities on sheet, Rolling of sheets, packing facilities and each product is duly marked with Batch Number, Date of production, Test Report Nos. etc, so that easy traceability is made for all the products manufactured by us.
Our Company is very well placed to undertake development of special material (Tailor-made) to suit individual customer requirement and we have successfully given them the products to their entire satisfaction.
Our quality and innovation of new ideas and research over the years proved to be a major point of success for SUPER WAUDITE thereby it is recognized as one of the leading company of JOINTINGS and GASKETS all over India and abroad.